Saturday, June 27, 2015


"The Fox and The Cat"
acrylic on birch panel 
11 x 14 inches plus frame
available for purchase HERE

For this painting, I chose to interpret the Grimm Brothers' fairy tale, "The Fox and The Cat".  The tale was simple: a fox boasts that he has many tricks and a cat confesses that he has only one.  The fox is caught by hunters and the cat climbs a tree and escapes them.  The tale is supposed to teach that in times of danger, one option is more effective than having many at one's disposal.

I'm not sure how helpful or true that tale is, but I wanted to paint the fox and cat in my own interpretation, so here, the ghostly fox protects the cat; the foxes' skull is seen at the bottom of the painting.  Also, the fox is shown with several tails, like the Japanese kitsune, with each tail representing more luck.

"The Fox and The Cat" will be showing tonight in Alexi Era Gallery's show, Emanate, which is the first at their new location.