Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here Comes 2012

Now that it's the last day of 2011 I've been thinking about everything that happened this year....

This has been an amazing year for my artwork;  I've been in more shows and made more sales than I have in my life.  I've got more lined up for next year and hopefully even more than that.  I've been striving to improve my skills and will continue to do so.

I am so thankful for my husband, daughter-cat, parents, and every show, sale, like and comment my art has received.

This is my 60th blog post of the year!  Way more than any other year I've been blogging.  I've had so much positive news to report, and hopefully 2012 will be even more fruitful.  

Here's to it; Cheers!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Santa Day!


After a long day of painting yesterday, I'm going to spend today with my wonderful husband, daughter-cat, and parents, eating and drinking and watching my favorite Xmas movies.

Bill Fuckin' Murray

The magic word is "Santa".

Hope that all of you out there have a safe and happy day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

More "Beauties"

Here's a big piece I'm working on for a Modern Eden gallery February show, it's 18 x 24 inches.

There's two foxes getting pretty with roses, bluejay-dove hybrids, a brush and mirror.

I'm so happy with the way these wooden panel paintings are coming along, so more shots to come soon!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

TONIGHT! I've Got Wood...Lands.

"Protect and Create Flanking Sight"
acrylic on birch panel
10 x 10 inches, framed
For Modern Eden's "Woodlands" show

Modern Eden Gallery
403 Francisco St
San Francisco, CA 
Show opens Saturday, December 10th 7pm-10pm
Runs through January 15th, 2012

Tonight is the Woodlands group show at San Francisco's Modern Eden Gallery!  My painting (above) will be in included.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

This Saturday!

My piece, "Protect and Create Flanking Sight" will be in
this Saturday's "Woodlands" show at San Francisco's Modern Eden Gallery.

The nice folk at the gallery were kind enough to use my painting image for one of the show's flyers!